IMB | Building Permits Handling Service in Lombok
Planning to build villa, hotel or a house in Lombok and looking for someone to handle your Building Permits or IMB? You have landed your pointer to the right site! We have been providing services for foreigners and Indonesians to obtain Building Permit / IMB and other related permits and/or business licenses in Lombok for many years.
Realizing that permits and project documents issued by the government are essential and should be prepared before starting to build, we dedicate one of our units to help our clients to obtain such requirements. Our long time good relationship with government people makes the process easier and faster. If for some reason you require a meeting with the government or policy maker, we shall be glad to arrange it for you.
IMB Requirement, Process & Cost
- General
Throughout the country, IMB is issued by The Second Level of Regional Government or Pemerintah Kabupaten/Pemerintah Kota (Regency/Municipality) through an agency called Badan Pengurusan Perijinan Terpadu (Integrated Permits Service Board). Please note that the name of the board may vary from one region to another.
- Required Documents
- Copy of Land Certificate
- Copy of Paid Land Tax Bill
- Copy of Owner’s ID Card
- Copy of The Deed of Establishment ( For Company)
- Copy of Approval from Investment Board (For PMA Company)
- IMB Drawing with 3D imaging
- Bill of Quantity / Cost Estimate
- Approval From Neighbors (Front, Back, Left, Right)
- Recommendation From Kepala Dusun (Head of Village)
- Recommendation From Kepala Desa (Head of Villages)
- Recommendation From Camat (Head of District)
- Land Use Permit
*Please note that the requirements to obtain IMB might be slightly different from one region to another.
- Process & Procedures
To apply for IMB to the Permit Office, one has to obtain Land Use Permit (point number 12) in advance and the required documents are listed on point 1 to point 11 above. In many cases, special approach needs to be made to neighbors to obtain their approval (see point 8 above) because without their approval the whole process of IMB may be hampered.
If the document is deemed complete and meets the requirement by the Permit Office, one should be prepared for giving presentation before Regent/Major and all of the Head of related Agencies e.g. Permit Office, Public Work Department, Environmental Department, Urban Planning Department, etc. The issues are about environment concern, public interest, building safety etc.
If the Regent/Mayor and all of the Head of related Agencies are impressed and satisfied with the presentation, Permit Office together with the related Agencies will conduct feasibility study; location survey, environmental study, topographic study, etc. Sometimes, further meetings and coordination are held by the Agencies. Once the location is deemed feasible, the Permit Office will issue the Land Use Permit (IPPT) and followed by the Building Permit (IMB) subsequently.
- Costs
Prior to the issuance of Land Use Permit and IMB, a series of surveys and meetings/presentations are done by and between the related agencies and the owner/owner representative as slightly described above. All of those activities will each cost some money and it should be on IMB applicant’s account. The amount of the cost that should be posted here varies from one Regency/Municipality to another.
Land Use Permit, which is required prior to IMB issuance, can cost more than the IMB depending on the land size, land value, nature preservation issues etc. and is calculated by M2/M3 and so does the IMB. IMB cost shall also be affected by the Bill of Quantity/Cost Estimate of the project. Another type of charge that is also related to the issuance of IMB is sum amount of money for the compensation of the so called C category minerals (sand, pebble, stone, etc).